I’m not sure how can I explain this better. But I happened to have a bluetooth keyboard linked to my tab which went rogue. I tried to remove the keyboard from bluetooth paired list and add it again. Biggest mistake, it just didn’t connect back. Rather than it’s normal prompt to type the PIN, it told me to enter the PIN. No idea what it was!
After a lot of digging and no solution, I tried to enter 0000. No response!
What worked was to type 0000 and press enter in your tab first and quickly type 000 and enter on the bluetooth keyboard. and VOILA! it connected.
So here are the steps:
Power on keyboard with 5 seconds button on. Keyboard will start with LED .
Go to Device menu and “Add a device”. Select Keyboard.
On the UI keyboard, input “0000” (no enter), and touch “add”.
Then on the physical keyboard, input “0000” + Enter.
It should make start connecting.
The UI changes into connecting view. But it already connected.
You can test with pushing “Windows Key” on the physical keyboard.
After connected, both LED on keyboard was automatically turned off. It is still working normally.
So I hope if you ever face this problem, you stumble on this blog.
Happy typing!