Category: Coding Corner

  • The fastest way to split a string using CLR

    The original post appeared here: Please visit the original website for more discussion, this is for reference purpose only.   using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server; public partial class UserDefinedFunctions { [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction( FillRowMethodName = “FillRow_Multi”, TableDefinition = “item nvarchar(4000)” ) ] public static IEnumerator SplitString_Multi( [SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)] […]

  • How to Download a single folder, directory or partial repo from a GitHub repo

    Well, Most of the times I see hundreds of projects in a single repo. Now, if I don’t want to download a GB of code and then eventually use just 20mb of it. How is it fare? So I wanted to create a downloader for it. Turns out I’m a little too late. There are already a […]

  • Difference between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API

    Found this interesting article on Most people tend to think MVC and web api are the same thing. Well not really!   While developing your web application using MVC, many developers got confused when to use Web API, since MVC framework can also return JSON data by using JsonResult and can also handle simple AJAX requests. […]

  • Reverse shell on a Node.js application

    This post is copied from: As the site is down right now, i just thought it should be replicated at another source.   Reverse shell on a Node.js application How we obtained a Javascript reverse shell by exploiting a vulnerability on a Node.js application during a security assessment. Introduction We were tasked by a small […]

  • Fix for Fiddler Not Capturing Traffic from Visual Studio Application

    This one line of fix is enough and will work a 100% for you. Just try starting Fiddler before starting your application. This helps the default configuration, whereby .NET applications pick up the system proxy when they start and are oblivious to proxy changes after they start.   I hope this helps!