Motile 14″ Laptop M142 Wiki
This wiki info has been copied from slickdeals, https://slickdeals.net/f/13798283-motile-14-laptop-ryzen-5-full-hd-256-gb-hd-8gb-ram-299?from_da_id=80950537&sdxt01=2020-01-14+17%3A22%3A51&sdxt07=0&utm_source=dealalerts&utm_medium=email&utm_term=13798283&utm_content=7196368&utm_campaign=80950537&p=134265542&src=da_si_v2_80950537#post134265542 Laptop can sleep if headphones or a magnet is on top of bottom right corner! THAT’S ALL MOBILE DEVICES. THAT’S HOW SLEEP MODE WORKSVIDEO PROOF! https://imgur.com/a/mDLTgPg #defcon Video Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECPSC_1jHE8Hopefully this post helps you prevent future crashes / sleep issues. Attached is a picture of location of magnetic item…
How to Find Out What Woke Up Your Computer Last
If your computer’s waking up from sleep without any intervention from you, it’s likely another program or device is waking it up. Here’s how to find out what woke it up last. We’ve shown you how to find out what’s keeping your computer from going to sleep, but if your computer keeps waking up after you put it…
How to change the UEFI System Partition size in Windows Setup
Windows Setup, the Windows installation tool, unfortunately doesn’t provide any graphical tools for shrinking or expanding an UEFI System Partition (ESP; sometimes EFISYS). You can still create a custom-sized ESP by side-stepping out of Windows Setup and into the Command Line for a minute to partition the disk to your liking. I’ll walk you through…
How to install AMD HD4xxx or any other legacy driver on windows 10 With Catalyst Control Center
I made the jump today to Windows 10 and like many other legacy (mobility) card users the support isn’t there (yet), besides the drivers which are automatically installed by Windows. Therefore, I thought I’d make a quick guide of how I got the legacy drivers installed on my laptop and have the Catalyst Control Center…