Tag: xamarin forms

  • Free eBook on Xamarin.Forms Enterprise App Patterns Published

    Post originally appeared at: https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2017/09/06/free-xamarin-book.aspx?m=1   Microsoft has been publishing a series of free eBooks and accompanying blog posts providing guidance about .NET application architecture best practices, with the latest focusing on Xamarin.Forms patterns. Previous guidance addressed microservices architecture, containerized Docker apps and modern Web apps with ASP.NET and Microsoft Azure. The guidance consists of…

  • Using Effects in Xamarin Forms

    The post originally appeared at: https://www.thewissen.io/effects-xamarin-forms/ Developers can use Effects in Xamarin Forms to customize native controls and add some styling of their own. But why not simply use a custom renderer to achieve the same thing? While that is certainly possible there are some benefits to Effects. Why would you use Effects? Contrary to…