Currently, we already have a thread for xpose module to help users to run mutiple Skype ID on their android here:…e-app-t2860388
I also followed that thread from October. However recently I just found out a small tip for who wants to run 2 skype id on same android device without xpose module.
1. Download and Install version from google play normally:…e.raider&hl=en.
(If you cannot access google play or you don’t have google play on your phone, just go to this thread:….php?t=2392504 to request apk file or use evozi’s website to download it)
2. Download and install version from skype China’s website. Because Google service is not availabe in China so Skype must publish a version for this market on their website.
Link for Skype China Website’s download page:
I checked the package name, one from GPlay is “” and one from Skype China’s website is “”. That’s the same method with the xposed module I mentioned (2 apps with 2 different package name) but it can be considered as official way from Skype 😛 and of course it’s more stable in my opinion
Hope this can be useful for users as me for using 2 skype ids at the same time. Of course if you want to run more than 2 id, using xpose module still works well. But for 2 ids, this is much easier.
Let me know if this doesn’t work for you! As per today, I am able to install to skype without any issues using this method.